Jan 6, 2017
-- Dr Sun and Ray celebrate the success of Sun's defense presentation at the Peninsula Hotel.
Dec 24, 2016
-- Congratulations to our past undergraduate helpers Binbin, Hei and Arthur! They have won the Second Prize in the IEEE Asia-Pacific Region Student Paper Contest 2016 (Undergraduate Section)! [Link]
Dec 15, 2016
-- Baoce has finished his defense presentation. Congratulations, Dr Sun!
Dec 14, 2016
-- We have our farewell lunch for Sihua. Thank you for your great efforts of helping our team! We wish you a successful future career!
Nov 27 - Dec 2, 2016
-- Chengpeng and Baoce are presenting their projects in the 2016 Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting and Exhibit, in Boston, Massachusetts. They must be having a very fruitful trip!
Oct 30 - Nov 2, 2016
-- Chengpeng and Shuhuan attended the the 10th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Molecular Medicine and Engineering (IEEE Nanomed). Contragulations to Chengpeng of winning the Best Student Paper Award and Shuhuan went to the finalist of the same award. You guys are awesome. I am very happy as these achievements represent your own research capability.!
Aug 24, 2016
-- Dinglong, Shuhuan and Allen have been awarded with the Outstanding Academic Performance Award and Research Tuition Scholarship by City University of Hong Kong. Congratulations!
Aug 22 - 25, 2016
-- Baoce and Yohannes are presenting their works in the 16th IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology (IEEE NANO) held in in Sendai, Japan. Hope that their will learn a lot from other top experts in the field!
Aug 8, 2016
-- We have our farewell lunch for Donald. We thank Donald for always helping us on the EEG system as well as other electronics related tasks! Hope you will have a great graduate study in the following year!
Aug 6, 2016
-- The final year project of Angelie, Eva and Tody has been selected in the finalist of the IEEE EMBS Hong Kong-Macau Joint Chapter Student Competition 2016. Great job!
Jul 17 - 23, 2016
-- Sihua is representing our EEG system team to present our progress in the 24th Annual International Conference on Composites and Nano Engineering held in Hainan Island, China. Hope you enjoy the trip and get the taste of academia, Sihua!
Jun 22 - 23, 2016
-- Our final year project students Eva, Angelie and Toby are presenting their project about a microfluidic drug toxicity assay in the City Unviersity of Hong Kong College of Science and Engineering Discovery and Innovation Gala 2016. I am proud of them, as they came up with the idea themselves and finished the project perfectly!
-- On the other hand, we have a booth promoting our ambulatory EEG system in the same event, too.
Jun 10 - 12, 2016
-- Ya is presenting at the International Conference of Microfluidics, Nanofluidics and Lab-on-a-chip held in Dalian, China. You are having a good achievement to have some fantastic work in your first PhD year, Ya!
May 26 - 27, 2016
-- Yohannes is attending and presenting his work in the 12th International Conference on Modern Building Materials, Stuctures and Techniques (MBMST) held in in Vilnius, Lithuania. He should be having a great experience.
May 30 - Jun 1, 2016
-- Our group is presenting in the 8th Symposium on Microchemistry and Microsystems (ISMM) at Unviersity of Hong Kong. Great job of Dinglong and Ya. I am presenting there , too. :)
May 25, 2016
-- We have our 'end of the academic year' lunch gathering with a nice Japanese hotpot buffet. Thanks Sihua for the organization, as always. Summer is coming, yeay!
May 3 - 5, 2016
-- We have a booth promoting our ambulatory EEG system in the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) Hong Kong International Medical Devices and Supplies Fair 2016 in Hong Knog Exhibition Center.
Jan 29 , 2016
-- Congratulations to Binbin, Hei and Arthur! You guys have done a good job with a great achievement of the Second Prize in the IEEE Hong Kong Section Student Paper Contest 2015 (undergraduate section). We are proud of you guys!
Jan 22 , 2016
-- We have our laser-gun war game! In particular, Ray is very nervous as he knows he will be shot by other teammates, no matter whether they are his opponents...
Jan 4-6 , 2016
-- Xin, Dinlong and Ray are attending the ASME MNHMT conference in Singapore! Nice presentations, Xin and Dinglong!

Dr. Baoce Sun (right) and Ray (left) at Spring Moon in The Peninsula Hotel for celebrating Dr. Sun's recent successful defense presentation. -- Jan 7, 2017.

(Left to right) Angelie, Toby and Eva presenting their workins in the CityU CSE Discovery and Innovation Gala. -- Jun 22, 2016.

(Upper row: left to right) Xin, Ya, Ray, Baoce and Allen. (Middle row: left to right) Hugo (new member!), Dinglong, Sihua, Weijin, Oscar (new member!) and Donald. (Lower row: left to right) Chengpeng, Shuhuan and Yohannes. Taken after our war game. Everyone is the hero today!. -- Jan 22, 2016. |